November 10, 2007

The Struggle

I woke up to a loud crash. Assuming George tried to eat the bamboo and in turn, tipped over the vase, I sat for a second. Nothing. No scampering of tiny feet , no rocks hitting the floor. Choosing to err on the side of caution, I pulled myself out of bed only to discover no such thing. To confirm my findings, I put my glasses on and retraced my steps. Nothing had fallen. Nothing was out of place.
And as I looked up instinctually to realize it was most likely a mess my upstairs neighbor had made, I saw a perfect part in the sky. Half the sky was swirling with grey cumulus clouds and the other half was as clear as a summer's day. For the next twenty minutes I watched the struggle; cheering for the blue. But typical to the beginning of any good story, the grey overtook the crisp, clear sky and reminded me of my location.


Middle Girl said...

On mornings when I'm jarred suddenly awake I have to work extra hard to focus on the good. It would help if the sky would cooperate by being freakin' sunny. ;)

Gail Peck said...

Sad.No clue on the crash?

Amaya said...

No clue. Probably a broken glass from upstairs.