September 25, 2008

Back in Session

So last night was the beginning of Autumn quarter and classes were good. I knew a few people in my first class but my friend from last year's English class will most likely be dropping the class since she doesn't care for the professor. My second class had a few people in it from the first class but no one I know.. yet. I'm sure it'll be fine. My only concern is walking between and after classes now that it's dark at 7:00. Last night there were a few people walking in the same direction as me so I felt safe but the pathways aren't well lit so I need to find a walking buddy.

Both professors/classes are intriguing. My first class "The Contemporary Novel" is a Literary Critiquing class with a focus on the psychology of the author. VERY interesting. Then the second class "Early American Literature" will have me reading a lot of prose and writing about my interpretations in a daily journal. Also interesting. That class is going to be kind of intense and he warned us in advance that the reading will be difficult - but I can handle it! The professor in that class is very eccentric and has the weirdest whirly, fuzzy combover I've ever seen. It's like an afro-over. That alone should keep my interest. He also has a unique sense of humor that I enjoyed last night.

Over all, I give the classes a strong A so far.

September 24, 2008

I'm Over It

Sometimes I get caught up in the ideals of what I wish my marriage was. Then I realize that what I have isn't so bad. It's no fairytale but it's good.
My life with Logic is fun and unpredictable. He is a great dancer and an even more adept comedian. He is a caring man who loves his family and does all that he can to help his friends. He is sometimes logical to a fault and he has a hard time completing projects. But his faults are my strengths and vice versa.
He is the Malbec to my Manchego.
Since my last post we talked and I re-learned that he wasn't trying to hurt my feelings. He still appreciates me and wants to celebrate the accomplishment of 10 years together. But he also wants to see his sister settle into her new place. This is a big move for her and we are both proud and excited.
There are so many things about marriage that people didn't explain to me. But even though I often find myself surprised by its unexpected facets, I am loving every minute of it.

September 23, 2008

10 Years

Next week will be the 10 year anniversary of Logic's and my first kiss. Since that time, it has been like pulling teeth to get him to celebrate anniversaries and Valentine's Days. I knew he wasn't a romantic guy when I married him but I guess I was still holding out that one day he would surprise me and I'd come home to find my bags packed and all the details arranged so we could slip away to Fiji for the week.
Okay, so that's a little extreme - especially coming from someone who thinks that Valentine's Day is too contrived and that he shouldn't be told when to buy me flowers or chocolates. But a girl can dream, right?
Last night I realized that's what it is... a dream. I guess this whole time I've been waiting for something to happen without realizing it's just a figment of my imagination. So I'm sure you can understand why I was upset when I learned that his sister's move-in date for her new apartment was pushed back yet another week and he wants to spend our 10 year anniversary helping her unpack. It was at that very moment that I realized my dream wouldn't be coming true.

September 22, 2008

Dear Valued Reader (Singular),

Work has me exhausted. I am growing to loathe it with every inch of my being. It has started creeping up into my shoulders, for which I am now getting regular massages. Seriously.
School starts on Wednesday and I can't wait to have something to look forward to again. I'll be reading Thoreau, Emerson, Melville and more contemporary authors such as McCarthy and Satrapi. I will learn to see things in a new light; to experience reading as more than just a casual past-time. I will have a chance to dig deep into my psyche and see what I can pull out. (I just cleaned out my garage over the weekend, so it's only fitting that I clean out what's in my head too.)
This blog is probably not going to be interesting enough for anyone to follow so you may as well remove me from your bloglines list. Sporadic at best, my future posts will probably be about how fictional characters are changing my life.
Sorry in advance,

September 16, 2008

Kihl and His Baby Mama

A few months back I mentioned how my brother, Kihl, told me that he was going to be a dad and how I thought he was just fucking with me like he always does. Then a few factors came into play that lead me to believe that he may have been telling the truth. 1) My sister called and spoke with such a high pitch that I couldn't understand her but after calming her down, I discovered that Kihl told her that his girlfriend was pregnant and that I was the only other person who knew. 2)About a month after that I got a phone call from my parents, who also were so excited that it was hard to understand them. But I was still trepidatious because afterall, it was Kihl.
But today I sit with invitation in hand, waiting in anticipation for this afternoon when I am going to Kihl's house for a bbq and actually SEEING his girlfriend. This will be the defining moment.
I'll keep you posted...

September 15, 2008

I Should Have Known Better Than to Assume I would Learn Something From the News

Don't you just hate it when you hear a news piece that piques your interest only to find out it was a stupidly-obvious answer?
"Where to get your textbooks at a great price... Find out after the break"....
"Getting your textbooks just got easier, and cheaper! You can actually go online to such retailers as or and get them at bargain prices!"
So I'm looking through MSNBC and I see "never wait in line at a museum again." I think cool, they're going to explain the times of days that people typically go and what days of the week are least busy. Nope. "Get a private tour. only $95!!!" A-holes!

(btw - that textbook example was a real news piece on King 5 about two weeks ago)

September 05, 2008

A Must Read

I have a great fondness for Thematically Fickle for many reasons:
1) Her writing inspires me to try and formulate my thoughts in an equally jaw-dropping fashion.
2) She has the cojones to speak her mind, uncensored, at all times.
3) I feel smarter for having read her posts.
4) A lot of other stuff...

Today's is no exception. In fact, it is an example of the 4 reasons I gave. Please take the time to read her post "The party of the white…er…I mean “the right”".

(The fact that Obama is taking the high road and handling this criticism (among much, much more) in such a dignified way says a lot about his character, don't you think?)

If This Doesn't Make You Smile, I Don't Know What Will

These pictures can be found on I just had to share. Doesn't it make you want a kitty?

September 02, 2008

Let Me See if I've Got This Right...

This is cause for concern regarding our need to uphold the 'sanctity' of marriage?

But this isn't?
