March 03, 2008

School Schmool

It's the end of the quarter and I'm sure feeling it. Pressure from every angle is squeezing all the energy out of me.
40 hours of work
8 hours of school
8 hours of home work
2 hours of yoga
miscellaneous time spent with Logic or taking pictures or.. you know.. sleeping
not much else

I'm hoping my momentum picks back up during Spring Break because I'm going to need it next quarter. But if it doesn't, I'll just take a look around and remind myself that my life has so much potential. I am not going to settle. I will work hard and make a few sacrifices and hey, maybe even get out of this one-bedroom condo someday. Who knows?


Gail Peck said...

Yeah for spring break! Hang in there, I know it has to be very tough, particularly because you want to do a good job with all of the aforementioned.

Middle Girl said...

Truly, hang in there. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Or so I've been told. ;)