January 03, 2007

Leaving My Childhood Behind

After high school I spent the majority of my summer in Lewistown. Having said that, I don't remember most of it. But as the summer came to an end, my parents drove me 7 hours Northwest to Kalispell where I would spend the next 2 weeks babysitting my nieces and sharing some quality sister-time with Laurie. It was my farewell trip.
Spending time with Laurie was something I'd become accustomed to. Afterall, I'd spent the last 5 summers at her house. Helping her with Kinlie and Hanna, being lazy, jogging, working odd jobs, watching entirely too much MTV and appreciating time away from my parents. At the end of the summer, my parents would drive back up to get me and I'd be on my way home just in time for the next school year.
But this year was different. September rolled around, and my parents drove back up from Lewistown to see me off. They would leave me at the gates of the Missoula airport and I would be on my way. I would land in Portland and be greeted by another sister, Paige.
My life before me, I was so full of excitement and anticipation.

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