January 28, 2008

How Much Can One Person Take?

My mom got a call last week from her sister informing her that my Grandpa had a stroke and was in the hospital. His timing couldn't have been much worse - my Aunt Jo, his caregiver, just had shoulder surgery at the beginning of January so she wasn't able to be much help. So my mom and dad drove to Arlington to help out. They've been there for 4 days now and were in the process of transferring my Grandpa to a physical therapy hospital when my Grandma suffered a minor stroke.
I wish there was something I could do. My mom is very stoic in situations like this so I know she's handling everything with grace but seeing her father and then her mother each suffer a stroke within a week has to be indescribably torturous.
My poor Mommy.

*Update: my Grandpa was moved to a Rehabilitation Hospital where he will remain for about a month but his recovery is promising and the doctor said my Grandma's "episode" is typical at her age. Since she went in and out of it within a matter of minutes, he said there really isn't anything they can do and that it was most likely caused by stress.


Middle Girl said...

Oh my word. My heart goes out to you all.


Gail Peck said...

Amaya, I commented on this yesterday only to have it get lost because blogger was down. I'm so glad that the news is promising. I do feel for your mother as it is way hard to have ailing parents. Your Grandma had what is called a TIA, transient-ischemic attack which in layman's terms is a mini-stroke. No harm done.