January 29, 2008

It's a Scary, Scary World Out There

So my niece plays hockey on a guy's team and a girl's team. The coach for the guy's team has recently been texting and IMing her on a regular basis; even while he's at work. She's 17, he's in his 40s with a wife and kids. Doesn't this sound like the beginning of an After School Special to you? (Do they even do those anymore?)
My sister is really great with her daughters and had a talk with my niece about how her coach's behavior is inappropriate. My niece said "okay" and that she'd tell him that her parents didn't want him doing that anymore. When I talked to my sister, I suggested she make a formal visit to see him. Just so he knows that she's aware of what's going on and that she's watching him.
It is for reasons exactly like this that I second-guess the thought of ever having kids.


Gail Peck said...

Don't let that dissuade you--there always have been, and always will be dangers, but the rewards of parenthood are great. Just ask your mom.

Middle Girl said...

I'm glad she had the wherewithall to tell someone and *that* someone had the wherewithall to follow up and will continue to monitor the situation.

Active & involved parents (& aunts) are key in getting predators (or potential predators) off the *streets*