June 29, 2006

John Edwards

I took an hour out of my work day to attend a reading of John Edward's new book 'Home'. But I really went to see the kind of man I voted for. To see if he lived up to the expectations I had for him.
I haven't met many politicians, but if I had to rate him on a scale of 1 - 5 I'd give him a 4. He was charming (especially his southern accent), interesting and intelligent. But I refuse to give him a 5 because I felt like he wasn't entirely genuine. Not like I expect that from a politician, but I was hoping for something inspirational. A man on a quest to correct the mistakes of our current administration.
There were a few times when he lit up and seemed sincere in his answers; when he talked about his involvement to find a solution to poverty and when discussing his distaste for W. but the rest of the time he had an botox-esque face and a generic demeaner. He even wore the "I'm everyman" uniform of khaki pants and a relaxed button-up shirt. I guess he just looked like he was trying too hard for my taste.

1 comment:

Amaya said...

I'm sorry if my comments came across in such away that I sounded like I don't support him. I do, and I am proud to have voted for him. I was only disappointed with the fact that he was eager to prove himself and it turned out looking a little overzealous. (He may have just been nervous.)
Regarding the book - my company supports the media and often brings in artists, authors and chefs to help them promote new endeavors. It's a definite bonus to my job and I try to attent as often as possible.
I'm in the process of posting about the book. I'll try to finish that today, but to answer your question - it's about home and what it means to different people. I think the book is coming out this fall.