June 15, 2006

Karma? Where are you?

In my department it is not uncommon to move desks/floors/buildings at least once a year. With the fast-growing company that I'm a part of, it is often due to new department development. So it came as no surprise to me that my cushy pent-house cube would not be mine for long.
Now before I continue with this story, I'd like to point out that I only got this cushy cube after someone quit and (during a rough period when panic attacks were prevalent) I talked to my boss about wanting to see the sun (not necessarily the view, but just some fucking sun) every day.
I'd also like to point out that I work in an internet based company that consists of engineers and pasty computer geeks. Most of whom like to sit at their desks in complete darkness - oblivious to the fact that they are leaning against a wall of windows. I'm sure you know where I'm going at this point. Yes, we are moving yet again and yes, I am NOT getting a window seat.
I'm sure some of you might think that I don't deserve one because I'm whining. But I need to explain that as whiney as I may seem, it is not without previously being overlooked and undermined by others that I am now so bitter.
For example: in our previous building I was assigned to sit with my department and a fellow co-worker (we'll call her she-devil) was going to be a few rows away with another section of our group. She-devil complained to our manager and ended up throwing seniority in his face so he removed me from that section and (for unforeseen reasons) put me in the "ghetto" which consisted of 6 people being crammed into a four person section w/o so much as a cubicle wall in between us. Then, when someone left the department, I was to be moved back to my group only to come to work the morning of the move and find that she-devil had moved her stuff into my new cube because it had a window and her previous cube (which she had previously taken from me) didn't.
Then, we move to our current building and I see that there is a cube that went unassigned and happened to have a window. I asked my new supervisor for the desk and came back from lunch to find that she-devil's intern (who happened to hear me ask for the spot) had gone to the supe while I was on lunch and ask for the very same desk. Would you believe that he didn't say: "I'm sorry, I already told Amaya that she could have it"?? No, he told us that we needed to decide amongst ourselves!!
My next move might surprise some of you - but it was at that point that I gave s-d intern the desk. I thought about it and decided that with my previous luck regarding window seats I wasn't going to get the desk anyway. And the thought of supe giving s-d intern the desk OVER me was too much for me to handle. At least if *I* went to s-d intern and told her she could have it I would be in control of the situation.
Did I ever get so much as a 'thank you'? Of course not.
So the reason for my whine today is not that I won't be sitting near a window, but rather that s-d intern WILL.*

P.S. It has just come to my attention that She-devil - who has been on maternity leave/bedrest since last October - also has been assigned a window seat. WTF?

*said s-d intern also happens to be one of the people who - as of yet - has never opened her blinds.

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