September 25, 2008

Back in Session

So last night was the beginning of Autumn quarter and classes were good. I knew a few people in my first class but my friend from last year's English class will most likely be dropping the class since she doesn't care for the professor. My second class had a few people in it from the first class but no one I know.. yet. I'm sure it'll be fine. My only concern is walking between and after classes now that it's dark at 7:00. Last night there were a few people walking in the same direction as me so I felt safe but the pathways aren't well lit so I need to find a walking buddy.

Both professors/classes are intriguing. My first class "The Contemporary Novel" is a Literary Critiquing class with a focus on the psychology of the author. VERY interesting. Then the second class "Early American Literature" will have me reading a lot of prose and writing about my interpretations in a daily journal. Also interesting. That class is going to be kind of intense and he warned us in advance that the reading will be difficult - but I can handle it! The professor in that class is very eccentric and has the weirdest whirly, fuzzy combover I've ever seen. It's like an afro-over. That alone should keep my interest. He also has a unique sense of humor that I enjoyed last night.

Over all, I give the classes a strong A so far.

1 comment:

Gail Peck said...

The thought of the comb over for a whole semester is scary.