September 15, 2008

I Should Have Known Better Than to Assume I would Learn Something From the News

Don't you just hate it when you hear a news piece that piques your interest only to find out it was a stupidly-obvious answer?
"Where to get your textbooks at a great price... Find out after the break"....
"Getting your textbooks just got easier, and cheaper! You can actually go online to such retailers as or and get them at bargain prices!"
So I'm looking through MSNBC and I see "never wait in line at a museum again." I think cool, they're going to explain the times of days that people typically go and what days of the week are least busy. Nope. "Get a private tour. only $95!!!" A-holes!

(btw - that textbook example was a real news piece on King 5 about two weeks ago)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

News and magazines are all about recycling old shit over and over, or stating the obvious, because there's actually not a lot of actual news every single day. I once got emailed an article that was supposedly on health news titled: "Why you need to eat." Jesus H. Christ! Next they will have "Why your plant needs water."