September 05, 2008

A Must Read

I have a great fondness for Thematically Fickle for many reasons:
1) Her writing inspires me to try and formulate my thoughts in an equally jaw-dropping fashion.
2) She has the cojones to speak her mind, uncensored, at all times.
3) I feel smarter for having read her posts.
4) A lot of other stuff...

Today's is no exception. In fact, it is an example of the 4 reasons I gave. Please take the time to read her post "The party of the white…er…I mean “the right”".

(The fact that Obama is taking the high road and handling this criticism (among much, much more) in such a dignified way says a lot about his character, don't you think?)

1 comment:

Gail Peck said...

I am supremely tired of the whole thing. Having just finished an article in the New Yorker about his rise in politics I know a tiny bit more about him than I did. That said every election is a crap shoot--after all, don't the people you know closely surprise you. Can we REALLY know what people will do?