September 24, 2008

I'm Over It

Sometimes I get caught up in the ideals of what I wish my marriage was. Then I realize that what I have isn't so bad. It's no fairytale but it's good.
My life with Logic is fun and unpredictable. He is a great dancer and an even more adept comedian. He is a caring man who loves his family and does all that he can to help his friends. He is sometimes logical to a fault and he has a hard time completing projects. But his faults are my strengths and vice versa.
He is the Malbec to my Manchego.
Since my last post we talked and I re-learned that he wasn't trying to hurt my feelings. He still appreciates me and wants to celebrate the accomplishment of 10 years together. But he also wants to see his sister settle into her new place. This is a big move for her and we are both proud and excited.
There are so many things about marriage that people didn't explain to me. But even though I often find myself surprised by its unexpected facets, I am loving every minute of it.


Middle Girl said...

And as you are able to see the good with the not so good, can talk it all out AND are still having fun...then it's 'all good'.


Whiskeymarie said...

After 12 years married, 13.5 together, I am still constantly amazed how it is everything and nothing like how I thought it would be.
I'm still glad I'm in it, and the investment is totally worth it, but I wonder how many people would go through with it if they could see 10, 15 years into the future...

Gail Peck said...

Ying and Yang, that's the secret. I have spent many anniversaries apart from Bruce and it only makes the time we have together sweeter. Anniversaries, birthdays, and V.Day are really meaningless in the grand scheme of things, it is the day to day sharing of life that is important. You are blessed to have a wonderful husband who not only loves you but his family as well. It is a win-win situation in my mind.