September 22, 2008

Dear Valued Reader (Singular),

Work has me exhausted. I am growing to loathe it with every inch of my being. It has started creeping up into my shoulders, for which I am now getting regular massages. Seriously.
School starts on Wednesday and I can't wait to have something to look forward to again. I'll be reading Thoreau, Emerson, Melville and more contemporary authors such as McCarthy and Satrapi. I will learn to see things in a new light; to experience reading as more than just a casual past-time. I will have a chance to dig deep into my psyche and see what I can pull out. (I just cleaned out my garage over the weekend, so it's only fitting that I clean out what's in my head too.)
This blog is probably not going to be interesting enough for anyone to follow so you may as well remove me from your bloglines list. Sporadic at best, my future posts will probably be about how fictional characters are changing my life.
Sorry in advance,


Middle Girl said...

No apologies needed. *I* for one am looking forward to whatever posts you publish re: fictional characters and your take on those authors.

Bring it on, whenever.

The Guy Who Writes This said...

Hey, I happen to know you have 4 bloglines subscribbers. I'll be waiting for your return. Oh and expect a present in the mail real soon. I've just been too busy to do anything.

Anonymous said...

I fully support you unplugging as much as you need to whilst in school. Your back and shoulders will thank you, as well as your brain! I'll keep you subscribed in MyYahoo though for your occasional dispatches from LitLand.

Gail Peck said...

You are becoming such an academic! Although I love to read I intensely dislike critiquing novels, or any prose, for that matter. It always seems to me that we really know so little about our own families that it is next to impossible to know an author's thoughts or intentions. Now characters, I can get into. I'm so disappointed that work has you so low.