November 08, 2006

Last Night's Meeting

I left work early yesterday and drove up to the UW campus to meet with an advisor in the English department. What I expected to be a typical counseling session turned into a great conversation about my future.
Maria was surprised to find FCCJ on my transcripts since she worked at that exact campus in Florida for nearly 15 years. After reminiscing about our Jacksonville experiences we were both put at ease. Our conversation covered education, personal goals and the mentality of 'the grass is always greener on the other side'. She reminded me that life is too short to wait around for happiness. I need to find it in my daily life and continue to strive toward my goals at the same time.
After an hour and half, I walked out of the building feeling like I'd just had a great chat with my mom. It was refreshing to hear about her life experience and to talk to someone who understands what I'm going through and where I want to be.
To top it off, she emailed me this morning to thank me for our talk and to remind me that she will help in any way she can.


The Guy Who Writes This said...

I am proud to be sandwiched between Sharon and Syd. Thanks for the link.

Middle Girl said...

Don't you love it when people have something positive and constructive to offer--and they do!

Go girl.