July 18, 2007

Ally McBeal

Remember that show?
I was thinking about the unisex bathroom today. There's no way I could do that. I already get stage fright when another woman's in there. It would be impossible with the stream (pardon the pun) of men coming in and out.
What about you? Would you be comfortable with that?


Gail Peck said...

Depends on how bad I have to go!

Whiskeymarie said...

Ick, ick, and...



Amaya said...

I hadn't thought of this until now - but imagine how gross the toilet seats would be?

Middle Girl said...

I tend to avoid the unisex and the family bathrooms. Unless of course, the need surpasses the ick factor.

Amaya said...

Good point. I just couldn't imagine having to deal with that all day long at work.

Rebecca said...

absolutely not. no way.