July 13, 2007

Thanks Uppity

It's official. I've received my first tag.
So, to appease the uppity gods, I present my list of my 8 facts/habits:

1) FACT: I used to smoke a lot of weed. Like, daily. But somewhere along the way, my 'high' turned into a low and I stopped enjoying it. It's now been well over a year since the last time I smoked.
2) HABIT: I clean crumbs off of surfaces without even realizing it. For instance, when talking on the phone, if I see a crumb on the dining room table I must walk over and wipe it off. This creates quite a mess on the floor but cleaning the hardwood is not one of my habits.
3) FACT: I used to hate reading. In my house, it was required to read for at least an hour every night and only watch television a half hour every night. This was torture for me. But now that the television has worn out it's welcome in my house, I've grown to really appreciate a good book. No commercials, no corny music highlighting the dramatic scenes, no over-exposure of certain actors. Just words and my imagination. And I never have to worry about 'missing' an episode or scene. I get to pick back up where I left off whenever I want.
4) HABIT: I constantly manicure my nails. If I'm not filing, I'm pushing back cuticles.
5) FACT: I don't know if I want to have kids. If I do, I know I'll love them more than I can currently imagine but I worry about the responsibility and commitment. Plus, the thought of bringing someone else into this already chaotic and messed up world scares the shit out of me.
6) HABIT: I eat sandwiches from the crust inward so that I save the best bite for last. Other examples are: eating pizza backward, tearing the top off of a muffin and eating it after the bottom, and saving my favorite types of fruit for last in trail mix.
7) FACT: I am the queen of skimming by. I skim by on everything. Work, exercise, school. I've never practiced or studied. I wish I did.
8) HABIT: This last one continues to surprise my mom but now that I'm an adult and have a place of my own, I make the bed every morning. Sure, it's my own bed and I can slack if I want but there's something about a nicely made bed that really cleans up the room.

And since I know I'm one of the very few who actually enjoy these things, I'm choosing not to tag. For any of my blog friends, you're welcome. :)


Helen the Felon said...

I feel so much better now about saving all of the green ones for last in any bag of multi-colored candy. Thanks.

The Guy Who Writes This said...

I am with you on #7, but I don't feel one bit of guilt about it.

Whiskeymarie said...

#5- been there a while too. Glad I'm not the only one.
#6- always, always, always. Especially with muffins and sandwiches.
#7- Rules I live my life by...

Gail Peck said...

#1. I can't wait until my twins feel like you do now! It causes a mom worry.
#8. Bed making is so super easy; the bed just feels fresher when you pull back the covers at night. Thank you.

Amaya said...

Guy, I guess it's the Catholic in me because I have an abnormally large amount of guilt about it.

Middle Girl said...

When my daughter was a teen she rarely made her bed. Now that she is an adult she always does, without any push from me one way or the other.

Love the list!