July 12, 2007

The Walk Home

We were at the lodge, spending the evening with family. We playing pool and threw back a few beers. Time escaped us, as it often does in those situations. Before we knew it, the clock read 1:00 and we were preparing to walk back to our cabin in the dark. The groom's cousin stopped us at the door and offered to let us borrow his flashlight. We were so relieved because the walk wouldn't have been an easy one.
The group hovered over the light that lead the way but Logic didn't have the patience. He managed to make it back to the cabin but just as he thought he'd be reaching the porch he ran shin-first into a boulder that was guarding the house from a potential accident with a reversing car. He lost a chunk of skin on that boulder. And his ego.
But it was damn funny.

1 comment:

Gail Peck said...

You naughty girl--I thought I detected a cut.