August 08, 2007

Bokeh vs Bokeh

I was working diligently when I just happened to stumble upon a flickr picture that was titled "Bokeh, it's what's for dinner". Since I'd never seen this word before, I checked to see what it meant.
It seemed completely out of context but, as I previously stated, I was very busy at work so I just left it at that. But then I accidentally saw another flickr picture this morning with bokeh in the title and my interest was reignited.
This time, I chose my trusty friend
Seems this one made a little more sense.
Silly bokeh.


Gail Peck said...

I had to laugh when I saw this post. I saw that word a few months ago and my contact Tracy from Australia explained it to me. Using an SLR gives the effect more frequently than a point and shoot, but occasionally I get it. I'll try that with my blog. As you can imagine I was sitting most of yesterday--thus the new look. I'm sorry you don't like it. I'll take the tutorial on how to change the pic please.

Amaya said...

Sorry for the misunderstanding Gail. I love your template.