August 15, 2007

5 Seconds

The mind works in mysterious ways. But not today.
I had a nightmare about returning to college. (Gee, do you think that might have something to do with the fact that I'm scared shitless to go back?) And now I'm finding it hard to come up with anything creative to say/think/write. I feel like a dry well.
But I know this will pass. This is what I do. I freak out and then I'm okay.
On a related note, Logic and I are watching Season 1 of Lost on dvd. I've seen the most recent season but that's it, so I'm really enjoying the backstory. In the very first episode Kate asks Jack why he is so calm. He tells her about a mistake he made on his first day in surgery and how he allowed himself five seconds to freak out before he tried his best to clear his head and get back to work.
So in honor of that I'm giving myself 5 seconds to freak out and then I will try my best to clear my head and think of something interesting to say/calm down about school.


The Guy Who Writes This said...

You could challenge your readers to come up with topics for you. I did that last year, and it was fun except when Lelo asked me to write my coming of age story. Though it was a funny story and I had fun writing it.

Amaya said...

That's a good idea Guy. But with readers like Syd, that's just asking for trouble. ;)
Just kidding, it sounds like a lot of fun actually.

The Guy Who Writes This said...

Syd wouldn't ask you to write about anything she wouldn't write her self...yeah, maybe you're right. That could be trouble.

Gail Peck said...

I didn't know you were going back. That makes two of us.