August 21, 2007


He was a sweet kid who dated a girl during her troublesome teens. He became the one to blame when she chose to rebel. They got engaged, Her family refused, he joined the Coast Guard.
On a trip through The City, he stopped to visit Her younger sister, who also happened to be Logic's roommate at the time and my friend. He wasn't the kind of person I thought I'd run into again but I was happy to see him.
Along with his newly-macho swagger, he greeted us with vodka, ice, lemons, limes, an empty milk carton and a joint.
He taught us the ritual of Yucca Juice and got Logic high for the first time. He shared stories of growing up and reminded us of fun times past.
Within a matter of hours he was a memory again.
I later heard through friends that he moved to Colorado and was married. Until his wife found out about his brain tumor.
He moved home and lived with his parents. His life in shambles. The only solace in his newly used life was the companionship of lifelong friends.
He was never one of those people I thought I'd ever see again. And I was right.
Rest in peace, Damon.


Gail Peck said...

So sorry--nice testimonial.

Middle Girl said...

Sorry for the loss. :(

Whiskeymarie said...

Sad. Touching.
You can't help but feel something- we all know people like Damon.