August 01, 2007

If Dreams Come True

My cherubic-self is floating around in a queue. Waiting for my turn. When I get to the front of the line I find a coveted name at the top of the 'options' list. Fully aware of my luck, I snatch the name and hold it close to my heart. I don't even stop to question why fate has smiled upon me, I only try to soak it all in. "I get to be Marv's daughter" I whisper.
The next thing I know, I'm living my life in flashes:

I'm in the delivery room, looking into his big, safe eyes.
I'm learning to ski as I stand between his legs.
I'm throwing him my best pitch.
I'm snuggling with him on the couch.
I'm rushing through the airport until I spot his warm smile.
I'm looking into his steady eyes as he escorts me down the aisle.
I'm watching as my newborn child searches his face for the safety I've known throughout the years.
I'm comforted by him as I struggle to protect my daughter.
I'm encouraged my him as I strive to raise an independent person.
I'm there to hold his hand before he passes.

And then, the most amazing thing happens. Just as my life comes to a close, I find myself living out the dance that Mia Michaels choreographed. I enter heaven and see his beautiful smile. He knows I'm coming and has dressed in his finest. We rush to each other and embrace. Not able to contain our excitement, we jump from cloud to cloud - playing and dancing. We are the happiest we'll ever be because we know that we'll finally be together forever.

1 comment:

Whiskeymarie said...

Nice post.