July 25, 2008

Dropping in To Say Hello

Yesterday we spent 4 hours in the car due to an hour at the US border (in the sweltering heat, no less) coming back from Vancouver and today we will spend another 3 driving to Portland. Beer is the theme of the week and we have yet to be disappointed.
Candian beer, Washington beer, Oregon beer, New York beer.. and this is all before the Beer Fest this weekend. Here's hoping I remember enough to write about it next week.


Middle Girl said...

Ahhhhh Yum. A variety of beer, not road trips (or rather delays in sweltering heat). But yeah, otherwise, YaY! Enjoy.

Whiskeymarie said...

We totally wanted to go to beer fest in Portland, but alas, it was not meant to be.
Hope you had a good weekend, busy girl!