July 21, 2008

Learning From My Cousin

Andy and Eric drove back into the city Friday afternoon. After a week of camping they chose to park at the south end of the city and walk through downtown to meet Logic and I at the north end for dinner. After dinner the four of us walked back to the south end for a Mariner's game (which totally kicked ass by the way).
The next morning Andy and Eric accompanied me to the gym where they took their very first yoga class. We got to the gym about 45 minutes before yoga and Eric decided he wanted to run on the treadmill but Andy agreed to sneak into my favorite Hip Hop class with me. We'd already missed 2 out of the 3 sections but someone was nice enough to catch us up in time to dance the whole thing through. Andy was holding his own, especially for someone who'd never taken the class before. I stopped a few times to encourage him and see how he was doing even though I knew - he couldn't wipe the smile off his face. After telling me how much fun he was having, Andy got serious for a second. "This is so far out of my comfort zone; and I am loving it!"
As soon as he said it, I knew how important it was for me to remember that. He and Eric flew across the country with sleeping bags and tents. They picked up a rental car at the airport and let the wind lead them around the state. They hiked 20 miles to a campsite, swam in hot springs, met some interesting people and journaled the whole trip through writing and pictures. They were in their element and living to seek new experiences. It was invigorating to watch.
Here I am, living in my condo in a safe part of Seattle and I have panic attacks over the weather, the course of my life, the death of my family and my short-comings while all along there have been people out there who just live. And love it.
Also, I learned that you can eat instant oatmeal out of the packet.
My cousin is very smart.

1 comment:

Middle Girl said...

How fascinating it is to glimpse and perhaps 'try out' life from someone else's pov.

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be invigorating. Or so I'm told. ;)