May 22, 2007

It Gets Me Everytime

I'm on a secret mission right now. Can't talk about it because Logic's birthday is right around the corner and I'm pursuing some gift ideas, but I made a phone call while doing some research and spoke with a man named Robin. He was fresh off the boat from the U.K. and I have to be honest, I hardly remember what he told me. I was so mesmerized by his accent that I couldn't concentrate. I don't know what it is about those Brits, but their accents get me everytime.
Current crushes like Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Prince William, Christian Bale and Ralph Fiennes immediately come to mind.
Now I've lost my train of thought. Oh right, yummy Brits.
I think it's about time to watch Bridget Jones Diary again...


Anonymous said...

You like Hugh Grant? Interesting.

Amaya said...

I like his accent. Two totally different things.