May 02, 2007

Thinking of Him

I had a dream about him last night. I don't remember what the dream was about but I remember how I felt.
He was a boy I knew in grade school and junior high. Unofficially, he was my first boyfriend. The first boy I spent time alone with. The first boy I was comfortable around.
He is a stranger to me now. I only know of his hardships through his brother's obituary. Yet he is still important to me.


The Guy Who Writes This said...

I've lost two former girlfriends. It sure is weird.

Amaya said...

My vagueness was confusing. He's actually still alive. I only know where he is because I read his brother's obituary.
Man, I made that confusing. Sorry.
But I do have an ex-boyfriend who died in high school. It was sad then, but even more so now because I realize how much of life he missed out on.