September 19, 2007

The Meme I Stole from Lach

Whom she got courtesy of Trop, Maria, and a few others.

Hi, my name is Jennifer. (sshhh!)

But you can call me Amaya.

Never in my life have I gone cow-tipping.

When I am nervous my palms sweat.

The last song I listened to was "Kiss Kiss" by Chris Brown.

If I were to get married right now, it would be illegal since I already am.

My hair is finally back to its natural color. That's about 10 years in the making.

When I was four, I called the police when I realized I was home alone with my brother. He was really tall and scared me.

Last Christmas I fell down a flight of cement stairs and tore my pants. I'm actually wearing those pants today for the first time since then.

I should be full by now but I keep eating.

When I look down I see that hole in my pants.

The happiest recent event was reaching the door to the hotel and hearing my sisters talking without them knowing I was there yet.

If I were a character in Friends, I’d be Chandler. Yes, he was a boy but he and I deal with stress in the same way = humor.

By this time next year, I'll be one year closer to leaving Seattle.

My current distress is my lack of interest in work.

I have a hard time understanding French, because I don't speak it.

There are these girls who live in Kalispell that I miss very much.

If I won an award, the first person I would tell is Logic.

I want to buy my brother's volvo.

I plan on visiting Hawaii again before Lilikoi and Ranger move.

If I could spend the night at any house, it would be my parent's.

The world could do without diamond encrusted cell phones.

The most recent thing I bought myself will shortly be returned because it didn't fit.

The most recent thing that someone else bought for me was a muffin from Jill at the airport.

My middle name is Ann.

In the morning, Logic likes to sing me little songs. But I'm usually too grouchy to appreciate them.

Last night I was very domestic. I did laundry, dishes, cooked and cleaned.

There is this guy I know who set the bar really high. I feel so fortunate to have found someone who lives up to the standard he set.

If I was an animal, I would be a monkey so I could fly from tree to tree. Plus everyone loves a monkey. Whooohooo haaaahaaaa.

A better name for me would be jennifurryface (Logic calls me that sometimes).

Tomorrow will be one day closer to my parent's visit next month.

Tonight I am cooking Baked Shrimp with Feta Cheese.


Gail Peck said...

I can't wait to make this recipe. You sound like an interesting and complex young woman.

Anonymous said...

Leaving Seattle, eh? Is there something I need to know? ;)my