May 25, 2006

10 things

Via Karsh. List up to ten (10) things you want to say to ten (10) different people. Do not state who these people are. Do not confirm or deny any 'comment speculation'...

1) I wish you had been more nurturing when I was growing up.
2) I hate/love that you expect so much from me. I feel like I need to be my best because of the way you see me.
3) I'm so glad that you're finally starting to see how amazing you are. That you're worth more than a settled life in a town that you don't like with someone that you love but aren't in love with.
4) It is refreshing to see a crack in your tough exterior. You're blossoming into a beautiful, fragile woman and I can't wait to see the great things that await your new self.
5) Get over yourself and appreciate the fact that you were given a chance to live in America with a family that loves you very much.
6) I hope you're making the right decision this time. It is so hard to tell whether you're taking this seriously, or treating this like everything else in your life.
7) I wish we were closer so I could convey how sorry I am that you are sick again. You've taken such good care of my sister and I know that you mean the world to her. A friend of my sister's is a friend of mine. We will both miss you tremendously.
8)You aren't as great as I remember you being. How come I spent so much time wanting to be with you?
9) I'm afraid to see you. Not only do I think you're unstable and vengeful, but your wit is faster than mine and I'm afraid that I won't be able to defend myself if you have harsh things to say.
10) It is amazing to see you as a mommy. My heart swells at the thought of how great you are with your babies.

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