May 08, 2006


How ironic that a bum would choose to steal a jobdango sign in order to beg for food. Don't you think? That is the sight Logic and I drove into downtown with this morning.


Anonymous said...

That IS weird...and so Seattle, at the same time!


Syd said...

That's funny as hell, actually.

Hi Amaya, I'm a blog friend of Lachlan & Bayou's. They were kind enough to welcome me to the blogosphere when I first started, so I know you're in good hands.

You're off to a fabulous start. Really. I look forward to more from you.

treppenwitz said...

I think the accepted PC term is 'Urban Outdoorsman', but I see your point. :-)

Welcome to the 'sphere.

Any friend of Lach's is a friend of mine.

Anonymous said...

So why did you steal the JobDango logo from my site? If you're going to rip off a graphic, why not go to source?

Amaya said...

Sorry about that. I didn't realize I was ripping it.