May 19, 2006

The Road to Recovery

Man, what a week it has been.
Logic and I drove down to Onni's house on Friday for her new baby's baptism. We were greeted by the majority of my large family and, overall, it was a nice weekend. We got in some good walks and some quality time with the babies. But throughout the weekend, members of my family started dropping like flies. It started off with Onni, then mom, then almost everyone else. They were healthy one second and vomiting the next. It was the strangest thing.
I returned to work on Tuesday thinking I'd been spared from the dreaded virus just to leave at 10:30 and be hovered over the toilet by 1:00. The next day, I was having severe stomach cramps and eventually went into the E.R. I had multiple vials of blood drawn, an I.V., an ultrasound and a urine test. By 1:3o the next morning, I was diagnosed with Gastritis. I would only wish this on a very select few. It was awful!!
On top of my symptoms, I have a thing about my antecubital space (ie: the inside of the elbow). I hate having it looked at, let alone touched. So when it comes time for an I.V. I am very trepidatious because I know the desire to rip it out will be hard to contain. Luckily, I was able to control myself and kept the I.V. in for the needed 4 hours. Logic and I were home around 2:00 a.m. and I finally got some much needed sleep.
I'm still pretty tired but, after meeting with my doctor this morning, decided to come into work today. What can I say? I'm a glutten for punishment.

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