October 10, 2006

Birthday from 6 pm to the end

Despite my attitude toward the first half of the day, I have to say the birthday in all was pretty nice. Not only did I receive an un-countable number of emails, ecards, IMs, texts and voicemails from loved ones but I also managed to get a surprise birthday cake delivery from my friend Joanne. After work, Logic picked me up and offered to take me out to dinner. I wasn't feeling well so we headed straight home.
He lit the fire and went off to change his clothes. Wanting to spend the evening with him, I stood my ground against the warmth of the fire. Shortly thereafter my willpower shut down and I decided to lie on the couch while I waited for him. Only a few minutes later, Logic emerged from our room to find myself and our two cats asleep, curled up in front of the fire.
Being the tender, selfless husband that he is, he left me there to rest peacefully.
What a great way to end the day.

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