October 23, 2006

"Your Mother was a hampster and your father smells of old elderberries".

For some unknown reason, this phrase occasionally pops into my head.
Yes, I've seen Monty Python, but not in some time. And it isn't as if I have the entire movie memorized. Yet, for some reason, this phrase has made an impression on my brain and occasionally has to remind me that it's there.
Do you have any phrases like that?


The Guy Who Writes This said...

For me it from Richard Brautigten's Trout Fishing in America, "I'd walk ten miles, bare foot on a frosty morning just to stand in her shit."

Syd said...

I have several. Most are Monty Python or Mel Brooks...really high-brow shit, LOL.

It's just a flesh wound is one of my favorites.

Lushy said...

I'm sure I have several movie quotes that pop into my brain at random times. The newest one will be "I poke badgers with spoons" for sure.

Middle Girl said...

"You are too twisted for color TV"

