October 02, 2006

Happy Sucky Birthday Jade

September 27th started out poorly for Jade.
She woke up at 5:00 and drove 3 hours to the PDX airport with her parents. She then flew 2 hours to Salt Lake City and was greeted by family who had all but forgotten her birthday. And to top it off, she was notified by her step-dad the day before that her 2 cats (who are living with them temporarily) were thrown out of the main house and jailed in the guest room behind the garage due to another cat's distaste for them.
By the time I arrived in SLC that evening, ready to celebrate with Jade, she was already in bed because she didn't feel well.
Happy Fucking 24th Birthday Jadey!!


The Guy Who Writes This said...

Sorry it sucked, but realize that people like myself would be more than happy to have a crappy 24th birthday and a pretty good 50th.

I know it's not the same, but celebrate it late in Seattle. A much better town than SLC.

Paige said...

Whoa! That last sentence sounds like something Tom would say. Poor Jade. At least she didn't have morning sickness and go to somebody else's birthday party.