December 04, 2006

Against the Flow

In the last few years I've felt a shift. A shift in my priorities, beliefs and goals. It's because of this shift that I find myself going against the flow this time of year.
I no longer find comfort in the holiday season. I partially blame cnn for that. It's hard to appreciate unwarranted, highly expensive "wants" when the other 2/3's of the world are fighting for fresh water. Anderson Cooper isn't helping this isse - I find him fascinating and his editorials across the sea have opened my eyes to a lot of the world's problems.
But it isn't just the global issue that has me weary of Christmas. My religious beliefs have changed and that leaves me feeling empty and confused this time of year. And what's worse is that most American's, regardless of their religious standpoint, spend Christmas focusing on gifts. So even if I don't believe in Christ I'm expected to buy gifts for family and friends. Which leads me to wonder 'for what'? Sure, I want to show my loved ones that I care for them. But do I really need to max out my credit card to do that? And on top of that, most of my family is very religious so I find this season to be one of explainations and misunderstandings.
Things would be much easier if I just didn't care. But I find myself getting worked up over this. Not to say that I am selfish and don't like to buy things for the people I love, but I just don't want to spend all of my money on expected gifts for a season I don't believe in. I'd much rather be putting that money somewhere else - like donating it to a charity I support, or saving up for a new car, or being able to finish renovations on my house.
I get so stressed out during the Christmas season. How do I prioritize my life, stand by my beliefs, and reach my goals when I can't even stand up for myself? What would Jesus do?

1 comment:

Middle Girl said...

Follow beliefs. Follow heart.
Make contributions in the name of family members whom you may otherwise gift.

Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots ~Victor Hugo

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triups of principles. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Good Luck. Happy Days.