December 27, 2006

New Years

I once heard that whomever you find yourself with on midnight of New Years Eve will be a significant person in your life throughout the following year. Since I consider myself somewhat superstitious (not sure I believe in superstitions, but try to follow them just in case they're real), I try to set my evening up accordingly.
In the past I haven't always been successful in being with the people I'd prefer to spend the next year with. There were times when hard partying got in the way. And others where geography was a problem. But this year I have the opportunity to spend the evening with Logic, Paige and her family and my parents.
I'm putting a lot of importance on being with all of them this New Year. Probably setting myself up for disappointment but hey, if the superstition isn't true at least I get to spend New Years Eve with some of my favorite people!

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