December 10, 2006

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Here I am at work on my day off. The guilt of not helping my "team" during the holiday and not doing enough around the house while Logic slaves over new countertops and flooring forced me to get off my lazy ass and come in for a few hours today.
I'm not happy about it. I know I'm just making it harder on myself since I'm already burnt out. And yet I'm here. It's only been 2 hours but I feel like I've been here all day. Guess 3 hours will be my limit today.
I still have so much I want to do today. I need to hit the gym after this. Not only for my mental sanity but to burn off some work-related aggression. Then I need to get some holiday shopping done. Which unfortunately means I'll be entering the mouth of the beast (aka the mall) to find a few last-minute things. And after that, I have to head home and do laundry so I have something to wear tomorrow.
This Sunday blows.

1 comment:

Middle Girl said...

I worked Sundays for 5 years (until very recently) I found it made it easier to appreciate Mondays-while harder to embrace and enjoy Saturdays.

Here's hoping the gym helped. ;)