July 05, 2006

4th of July

- Woke up to my sister handing baby Isaiah to me. He and I cuddled on an air mattress in my living room until I was fully awake and then spent the morning exchanging coo's and smiles.
- My brother showed up around 11:30 and we grilled burgers, had pasta salad, fresh strawberries, deviled eggs and mint chocolate chip ice cream.
-After lunch, Onni and her family left. So did my bro.
- Logic and I then drove over to a friends house for socializing and a little Block Party watching.
- Around 7ish, we drove to another friend's house for dinner - BBQ chicken, more pasta salad, spinach salad w/ feta and olives, onion bread w/ garlic and fresh strawberries and mangos.
- At 9, we walked up to an apartment complex on the hill and watched not one, but two firework shows. We finally got home around midnight and crashed.
It was a long-wonderful day.

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