July 19, 2006

Lost in Translation

Lach and I just went for a walk over to the local Asian grocer to get a bit of a break from our full time job of stopping fraud. What started out as a harmless break turned into a post.
I consider myself to be pretty open-minded and try to be understanding of others. I don't expect everyone to have English as their first language - especially in the Internation District of Seattle, so this post is in no way a stab at other cultures. Before I get too far into my argument I guess I should set the scene.
I picked up 2 fuji apples and an Odwalla mo'beta shake. Lach had a salad and tea. I was first in line and as I was paying for my food I asked the cashier for cashback. a $5 and 5 $1's. The woman behind the counter nods and says, "yeah". Then proceeds to give me a $10. Now normally I'd let that slide but I needed the smaller change for a tip I intend to give later in the day. So I stop the woman before she starts ringing Lachlan up. I say, "I'm sorry, I asked for a $5 and 5 $1's."
Cashier: "oh, yeah." She then opens the register back up and gives me 2 $5!
Me: "Okay, I need $5 and 5 $1's."
Cashier: "oh, yeah." and then she counts to five on her fingers.
I nod in approval and watch as she opens the till back up and counts out 5 $1s.
By the time she gives me the correct change Lach has cashed out and we are finally able to leave. But I can't help feeling irritated. Not because she didn't understand me; I was more than happy to help her. It was that she acted like she was listening and wasn't. 2 TIMES!


Jos said...

Well you do recall my "Jidad" story. . .there are plenty more where that came from.

I would be irritated too.

Thanks for sharing!

begins with v said...

Just a guess...she may have been embarrassed because she didn't understand you...I know a lot of ESL people that I come in contact with will often pretend that they understand you by nodding their head or saying "yeah" when they are only guessing what you said based on body language, ect...I wonder if she was hoping to get it right the first time so that she wouldn't be embarrassed...but then again, I can see how it would be frustrating for you!

Paige said...

I agree with Slade but I would be irritated also.