July 24, 2006

Was That Invention Really Necessary?

I was at the in-laws over the weekend and shortly after arriving on Friday, Logic broke one of their chairs! To be fair - he was trying to share a fabric-director's chair with a cat and the material tore when he was putting all his weight on the front of the chair.
After that incident everyone chipped in with a few weight jokes. It was funny but I can guarantee that if it were me, I'd be mortified. I think he might have been embarrassed by it, but he did a good job of hiding it.
After a few more weighty jabs, he recommended we all place bets on his weight and he'd go measure. Turns out he weighed less than everyone thought (except me, I was dead-on). Unfortunately, I got caught up in the excitement (what excitement? you ask) and decided to weigh myself. I don't know where my common sense went, because I don't like to rely on a scale. I find that they're often inaccurate and quite harmful to one's self-esteem. But alas, I went and weighed myself. Needless to say I was upset with the results.
According to the standard - I am normal for my height/weight but the reason I'm so disappointed is because I've been working really hard lately to get into shape. Weight aside, I felt frustrated.
My defense mechinism tried to convince myself that it's because muscle weighs more than fat, but regardless - I didn't think I had THAT much muscle, if you know what I mean.
What I want to know is who's invented the scale? And why do they differentiate so much? Damn scales!

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