July 12, 2006

Council - Home part 2

Before my first-grade year I moved 3 hours south of Lewiston to Council. We rented a log cabin on a small ranch 5 miles outside of town. There were 2 horses, a few cows and other animals that I can't recollect.
Inside the fence we had a large garden, a pond and creek, and an impressive built-in playground that included a sand-box and a slide attached to a "tree" house that was not attached to a tree at all, but rather to the side of the house. Being that I was a child, you would probably assume my refuge was inside that "tree" house. But there was something about the playground that didn't appeal to me. Maybe because it wasn't built for me. (There was a large family who previously lived in the house and built the playground for their 11 children. I always felt like I was intruding on their space.) So instead of making mudpies in the sandbox I wandered down to the creek and spent most of my spare time hanging out by the "Golden Gate Bridge".
Onni and I stumbled upon the tree one particular afternoon as the sun set and added a golden-hue to a log that had fallen over the creek. I remember going to Golden Gate Bridge after I found out my uncle passed away, but for the most part I went there to play. I made up songs, acted out skits about The Cosby Show and most importantly, spent rare time with a sister 5 years my senior who scarcely found time to hang out with her uncool kid sister.
As much as I loathed that town, I know it was a crutial time for my budding creativity. And if I'm trying to be optimistic - it was also the place where we got our family dog, Maggie.

1 comment:

Paige said...

Council was a time when I thought I was hot stuff. Jodi and I were best friends and so cool. I was just being a 13 year old, sister. Sorry!