July 18, 2006

Inside The Actor's Studio

I used to really love that show! I liked how it seemed true to the art of acting. No fabricated interviews about love lives or mansions - just questions about acting technique and what brought the guests to the place they are at.
That was until the day they invited Jennifer Lopez on the show. At first I thought I was watching a spoof on Mad TV but sure enough James and Jennifer were not being impersonated.
Since that show I've tried to get back into it, really I have. I watched the Michael J. Fox special 2 hour episode (which was really good!) but sadly the very next week they had Cameron Diaz! I couldn't stomach the betrayal after that.
I practically forgot about the show until today when I was reading Orchestrated Happenstance and found a posting about the questionaire James Lipton accredits Bernard Pivot with creating. In rememberance of a happier ITAS time, here are the questions and my answers.

What is your favorite word? limpia para brisas (windshield wipers in Spanish)

What is your least favorite word? hootenanny (maybe I'll blog about that sometime)

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? the ocean

What turns you off? ignorance

What is your favorite curse word? fuck. although I have to admit I am also fond of British vulgarity such as wanker.

What sound or noise do you love? waves crashing

What sound or noise do you hate? saliva sloshing around in someone's mouth

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? dance

What profession would you not like to do? anything in the restaurant industry (again)

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
See! I DO exist!

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