July 12, 2006

Feeling Stagnant

Every so often someone will surprise me with a nugget of enduring wisdom. Yesterday that person was my mom.
I talked to her about how I felt stagnant in my professional life. Like I wasn't living up to my potential and, in turn, wasting away my life. She absorbed that complaint and took a day to process it. Then she called me yesterday to talk about it again. She thinks that sometimes my urgency to have 'answers' prevents me from enjoying my current situation. She went on to say that I might want to change my perspective and try to look at life as a journey - one that can be enjoyed along the way.
The fact that she took the time to think about what I said meant a lot to me. So when she said that, I thought it was the least I could do to consider her opinion. And you know what? She's right. Why wish my life away? "I wish I was doing something else... I wish it was 5:00". I need to try and look at this part of my life as the journey that takes me to where I need to be. After all, I do believe in fate - so that would mean that I'm here, right now for a reason, right?


Helen the Felon said...

Your mom is clearly awesome. That's some excellent advice. Please thank her for me!

Amaya said...

You made me smile with that comment. I'll be sure to tell her. :D

Sandy said...

Thnx for writing this Amaya...