July 14, 2006

To Nag or Not To Nag? That Is The Question.

Remember when you first got married and swore to yourself that you weren't going to be like your mom? You were going to be Superwife! The kind that fits in as one of the guys. Whether it's watching Sports Center with your husband (or wife) and their friends, or pointing out hot chicks on t.v.. You would be the coolest wife ever!
Cut to 3 years later and you have friends coming over for dinner. You look around the house and notice that all of YOUR stuff is where it's supposed to be. And yet the house is still a wreck! Socks are in a heap by the couch, empty glasses stacked up on the desk and don't even go into the bathroom or you'll freak out!
Because you've reached your boiling point, you find yourself saying things you swore you'd never say. Things like "do you know where the sink is?"and "have you ever heard of a laundry hamper?"
The first time those words leave your mouth your hand instinctively goes to your mouth in utter shock. But as time goes on, you realize that you mother had every reason to nag. After all, she was only asking for a little help.
And yet, as time wears by you notice that all that nagging doesn't do any good. If anything, your husband (wife)/children resent you for it. So what the hell are you supposed to do? Suffer quietly? Learn to appreciate the smell of 3 day old beer coming from the office?
I have to admit that I chose the nagging route. But a friend passed along an article entitled "What Shamu Taught Me About A Happy Marriage" (see newer post by that name for article in it's entirity) and I can't help but smile.
There is still hope!


Middle Girl said...

Nice to be validated, finally.

Jos said...

I enjoyed reading your post. Too bad I could not get into the article, though.

Thanks for sharing!

Amaya said...

So sorry the article wasn't visible.

Anonymous said...

So not to play devil's advocate but... why is it that we still talk about men "helping" with the housework? Perchance is it because it's still considered "women's work" after all these years? Hmmmmmmmm...

Amaya said...

I agree with you that "helping" with the housework sounds very 1950's - but at least they also suggest that men are animals. :D