August 02, 2006

9 Layers

This list provided by Lushy.

Name: Amaya
Birth date: October 9, 1979
Birthplace: Lewiston, Idaho
Current Location: Seattle, Washington
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: dark blonde
Height: 5' 4"
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: Libra

Your heritage: Slovenian/German/Irish
The shoes you wore today: pink flip-flops
Your weakness: sugar
Your fears: clostrophobic
Your perfect pizza: something with goat cheese
Goal(s) you'd like to achieve: finishing college, traveling to Europe, buying a house

Your most overused phrase on AIM: word
Your first waking thoughts: what time is it?
Your best physical feature: my eyes
Your most missed memory: kissing Aaron over a bridge in 9th grade. he died 2 years later.

Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: neither
Single or group dates: single
Adidas or Nike: nike
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino

Smoke: nope
Cuss: often
Sing: even though I probably shouldn't
Take a shower everyday: yes
Do you think you've been in love: I know it
Want to go to college: yes
Liked high school: yes
Want to get married: am married
Believe in yourself: most of the time
Get motion sickness: sometimes
Think you're attractive: for the most part
Think you're a health freak: probably
Get along with your parent(s): now I do
Like thunderstorms: LOVE them
Play an instrument: played the piano for 8 years


Drank alcohol: yes
Smoked: yes
Done a drug: not recently - oh, unless you count prescribed ones ;)
Made Out: yes
Gone on a date: yes
Gone to the mall?: not recently, thank god
Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: no
Eaten sushi: love it
Been on stage: yes
Been dumped: yes
Gone skating: yes
Made homemade cookies: yes
Gone skinny dipping: yes
Dyed your hair: yes
Stolen Anything: yes

Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes
Been caught "doing something": yes
Been called a tease: not to my face
Gotten beaten up: no
Shoplifted: yes, but the stupid people at Victoria's Secret were too busy talking to come to the counter so I just walked out with the bra.
Changed who you were to fit in: sadly, yes

Age you hope to be married: am married
Numbers and Names of Children: not sure yet
Describe your Dream Wedding: I'll answer this since my wedding would be different today - I wish we'd been married on the beach, and NOT in Florida.
How do you want to die: hmm. this might sound morbid - but I'd like to have time to reflect on my life. Not a lot of time - just a few minutes so I can have my life flash before me.
Where you want to go to college: UW
What do you want to be when you grow up: good question
What country would you most like to visit: Italy

Number of drugs taken illegally: 3, I think
Number of people I could trust with my life: too many to count. guess that makes me fortunate
Number of CDs that I own: oh god - hundreds
Number of piercings: none now. I've had 7 total
Number of tattoos: 1 so far
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: when I was born
Number of scars on my body: 1 from a bike accident in 3rd grade. I'm very proud of it.
Number of things in my past that I regret: none.


Paige said...

I'm surprised you said you liked high school.

Paige said...

You played piano for 8 years? I don't remember you playing songs at the difficulty level I did. What music were you playing in your eighth year of piano lessons?

Amaya said...

Yeah, well once I started drinking Montana became much more tolerable. :)