March 13, 2007


Photoshop is making it harder to appreciate natural beauty. I'll go out on a limb here and compare photoshop to breast implants.


cathy said...

I know just what you mean. Should I be worried?

Amaya said...

I guess that depends.

The Guy Who Writes This said...

Accepting an image as an image is the key. Even back in the old darkroom days we would enhance and superimpose. The image you saw was rarely the one we photographed. Photoshop just makes good results happen with less effort. If something is beautiful, don't question it. It is real if you believe, wether it came from a reality based object or the mind of an artist.

Amaya said...

Guy, you have a very good point. I appreciate your opinion and will take into account that I am not only looking at a photo but someone's impression of what they saw.