March 20, 2007

Pet Peeve

I'm convinced the man who sits behind me doesn't know how to chew with his mouth closed.

~editorial note: this is not my co-worker


The Guy Who Writes This said...

Or see with depth perception

The Guy Who Writes This said...

Amaya, can you tell Lach that I for some reason can't get into her or Bayou's blog.

Dang that guy looks creepier everytime I see that photo, cant' wait for him to scroll off...

Middle Girl said...

speaking of pet peeves, what about folks who get on the bus and smack you in the head with their backpacks. -ack-

the chewing with the mouth open..ick.

Amaya said...

Guy, I left Lach a note for you. And regarding the photo, it is definitely suiting it's purpose but I have to agree. I'll try to write a lot today so he'll drop off.

And Deb, I haven't had that happen yet but I did have a woman practically sit on my lap yesterday. She apologized.