March 26, 2007

My Batteries Are Dead

As spring approaches, I feel my spirits lighten. The dark thoughts that plague me all winter subside and I feel refreshed. It is something I've tried to conquer in the past - not letting the weather have so much affect on me - but I've come to realize that it's a part of who I am.
I like to be happy. And in order for me to be happy, I need to be surrounded by cheerful things. (ie: sunshine and puppies.)
So when I woke up this morning and the sky was clear I thought to myself: "Amaya, you should bring your camera to work and take pictures during your break."
Agreeing with myself that it was a good idea, I packed up the camera and headed into work.
As the day progressed, the clouds came back and I was getting discouraged. I really wanted to take some shots of springtime. Cheerful stuff with the sun shining in the background. But at 10:30 I couldn't wait any longer - I needed to take a break.
I decided to take a walk anyway and try to get some pictures. So I walk across the street to a local Asian grocery store and as I prepare to take a shot of the white cherry blossoms in the courtyard my camera shut down.
I try to start it up again but the screen shows "recharge batteries". So instead of taking pictures, I went for a walk and continues to search for places that inspire me.
Guess I'll have a better idea of what to take when my camera actually does work. And hey, maybe the sun will actually be out by then.


Middle Girl said...

I've been meaning to do that as well, bring my camera for some spring shots. Not much has blossomed yet, but until recently the skies were clear.


Amaya said...

I charged my batteries last night and came in with my camera today. So naturally the skies are grey. I still took some pictures but am not sure how much I like them. We'll see.