March 02, 2007

Staying Put

After our trip to Willamette Pass in January where we spent a wonderful weekend with some friends from home, Logic and I considered moving back to Roseburg. We figured it would be a great place to settle down and spend Sunday dinners with our closest friends and family. And we felt like we were putting our lives on hold for the day when we could be back there and make memories with our loved ones.
So when Logic's parents came for a visit a month ago, we told them our intentions. They were shocked and excited but Logic's mom was somewhat apprehensive. She pointed out that Roseburg doesn't have much for people our age who have the same goals we have and the job market wouldn't offer much.
We spent the next few weeks discussing what our lives would be like there. And although the thought of having a familial support system sounded appealing, we decided it wasn't the right time. Logic's mom had some very valid points, but there was more to it than that. For one thing, I still haven't completed college. And while I have a stable job with good pay, I set a goal for myself a long time ago to get a degree and I need to do that for myself. For another, Logic has a great job with great benefits.
Knowing we made the right decision, we've spent the last month planning our future in Seattle. Right now we're focusing on my education and preparing him for the possibility of Law School. We're trying to finish our renovation on our condo so we can move up the real-estate ladder and purchase a townhome closer to our future schools. And we're consciously spending more time with our friends because we realize we might be here for a while and although they're not family, they're as close as it gets in Seattle (besides my brother, but I rarely see him).
So it looks like we're staying put for a while. And you know what? I'm alright with that. I've moved around most of my life, and the thought of making a home for myself in Seattle sounds like a refreshing change.


The Guy Who Writes This said...

Oddly, though we will probably never meet, I'm happy you are staying in Seattle. Roseberg is a wasteland, but I could see you in Corvallis or Portland. Just my 2 cents...

Amaya said...

LOL! Roseburg will always be home to me, but I do sometimes feel like I've outgrown it. I've tried Portland but the city felt too industrial to me. Maybe Corvallis someday. If that's the case, then we'll surely meet. But in the meantime, I enjoy having you as a virtual pen pal of sorts.

The Guy Who Writes This said...

I'm not in Corvallis, by the way. I'm in Astoria which is another great town, but not great in the job market unless you and Logic have highly specialized skills, though it seems like everyone here finds a way to make a living. Maybe we'll meet if we can ever drag Syd out to the PNW to meet her west coast readers.

Amaya said...

Oh, sorry for the confusion - I just figured if I ever ended up in Corvalis we'd be close enough in proximity that there'd be no excuse to not meet. ;)