March 28, 2007

Smart (pause) AND Pretty

When I moved to Florida I didn't anticipate how much I'd grow to dislike my cousin. That story is for another time, but let's just say she wasn't exactly welcoming. So when it came time for my wedding, I tried to involve her in as little as possible. She was invited to the actual ceremony and also to a party we threw for our Grandparents a few nights before.
It was at that party that my family got to see first-hand what Michelle was like. And shortly after an incident in the kitchen, my sisters Laurie and Jill were outside on the porch talking. The conversation came up about how bitter Michelle was (is). To which one sister said: "she's just jealous of us because we're prettier" (include as much sarcasm as you'd like). The other sister replied: "Yeah! And smarter!".
From that day on it became 'a thing'. Something all of us sister's would say to cheer each other up. Only somehow it morphed into "you're smart AND pretty".
So today as I was walking through a new neighborhood on my break, I passed a middle-aged man who looked like he'd seen better days. He asked me if I knew where the Salvation Army was and after I gave him directions he said: "thank you! You're so smart!(pause) AND PRETTY!" I tried to control my laughter because I didn't want him to think it was directed at him. But after turning around to thank him I couldn't help but giggle a little bit.

1 comment:

Middle Girl said...

pretty the word, always conjurs up..the wizard of oz... the witch to dorothy...'my preettty'

cool memory, even cooler how it it was conjured by an act of kindess. :)