March 27, 2007


As I've stated before, my Dad and I email each other throughout the workweek. He is newly retired and I am loathing my job in front of a computer all day. I think he initiated it but we've gone back and forth for nearly a year now and he never seizes to brighten my day.
One glitch in our perfect system is when he goes on vacation. Having a good grasp of email, but not a great one, he hasn't set up a personal email account outside of his Outlook. This prevents him from being able to access his email when he's away from his computer. Which means that our communication stops for however long he's gone.
Since it has been a part of my day for so long now, I have a really hard time without our correspondence. My days seem longer. I laugh less. It's very sad, really.
It's been 2 days into his 3 week vacation and I'm starting to go through withdrawls. My mouse instinctually gravitates toward my inbox and I've already harrassed all my friends with multiple emails.
What the next few weeks will be like, I'm not sure. But I do know that when my Dad returns and I start getting emails from him again, I am going to be so happy!


Middle Girl said...

unfortunately my dad never maintained any kind of regular correspondence with me so...
but i have friends with whom i maintain a regular back and forth with and when one is away..i do miss it terribly. i ease some of emailing them them some part of what's going on with me...and when they return..they reply.

Amaya said...

Funny you should mention that. My Dad writes to all his daughters so we're all feeling neglected right now.
I am still writing my Dad daily, just to tell him what's been going on but I've also taken over his role and am writing my sisters everyday pretending to be him. It's been really fun.